February is the shortest month of the year but because it slogs through the dead of winter, it can last forever. Going to work and home from work in the dark is enough to give anyone the winter blahs!
As a manager, you might want to pay special attention this time of year to motivating and engaging your team members. Here are a few ideas:
Get physical. Encourage your employees to step away from their desks or offices during the work day. Taking a brisk walk when the sun is shining (even if it’s shrouded in clouds) can do wonders for your attitude and health.
Model healthy eating. Who hasn’t had colleagues or staffers who constantly bring in donuts? And more donuts. And even more donuts. Perhaps you can be the one to bring the treats. But instead of heavy foods that are going to make everyone feel sluggish, spring for fresh, colorful fruit. Vegetables and nuts are good choices, too.
Do some spring cleaning. You could give each employee an afternoon to clean their desks, hard files and computer files. It would serve as a break from the routine, and give them a chance to feel ready for the rest of the year.
Keep it warm. Don’t make your employees work in the cold. Cozy workers are more productive workers!
Socialize. We don’t mean after-hours so much as during the workday and over lunch. Get to know your team and their unique strengths and challenges.
If these suggestions aren’t enough to lift your staff’s mood, you can try some fun and games. Here are some ideas.