Twitter gains favor as a talent recruitment strategy

Twitter Logo on a laptop screenFor employees considering a change in employment, fortunes soon could turn in their favor as business managers scout for talent in an increasingly competitive recruiting environment. 

As the U.S. economy continues to pick up speed, business managers may find conducting a successful talent search poses a serious challenge. Even if you have a star employee on board who appears to love his or her job, you could lose that person to a competitor when the U.S. economy bounces back.

One Forbes contributor suggests Twitter may be an ideal portal for recruiting top-notch talent due to its anonymity factor.

A compelling argument could be made for expending more time searching for candidates on Twitter and less on reviewing LinkedIn profiles. Consider the anonymity factor. The most compelling job candidates already have an impressive set of credentials. They can cherry pick new employment opportunities.

In contrast, with Twitter employers can scout out potential candidates quietly behind the scenes, without a particular candidate feeling exposed.

Here’s another reason for business managers to take a second look at using Twitter as a recruitment tool: Reviewing Twitter’s public profiles gives a manager insight into how a particular prospect may fit in with the company’s culture. It’s more telling than what would be revealed on the average Facebook page.

Twitter more accurately indicates the level of ongoing engagement a particular prospect has with followers. That’s a crucial indicator for a prospect’s level of engagement in his or her industry sector. High-quality candidates don’t sit on their laurels. They constantly engage with other professionals within their industry niche.

A final point is that among the various social media channels, Twitter comes across as more free spirited and less bound to convention: two crucial signs of a prospect who has initiative and is willing to engage with experts in the industry sector.