Lessons from a child in business management

Persistence sign will pay off1Young children are full of wonder and have an open mind ready to take in new concepts and ideas — something managers should take to heart. A recent article in Forbes looks at ways to glean management prowess from the mouths of babes. Here are a few of them:

  1. Demonstrating persistence in the face of obstacles. Children persist until they reach a goal. Not only do young children have tenacity, they also have a hefty measure of grit — a quality required for the demands of a growing business. Think about it: Fitting your entrepreneurial plans into a form where they can be applied in a real-world situation is anything but easy. At times one must stay the course. At other times the stress that comes with trying to handle the demands of a growing business builds character and builds it fast!
  2. The power of saying “no.” Young ones must learn to heed the power of “No.” Any parent worth his or her mettle knows that success often hinges on that two-letter word all parents must use so as to focus on what is most important. Saying no preserves capital, reins in ebullient emotions and tempers the tendency to be a bit myopic when running a demanding enterprise.
  3. Know the power of reciprocity. Productive relationships are the foundation of a prosperous enterprise, and at the core of those relationships is the power of reciprocity. No one endures the blood, sweat and tears of launching a successful business without the necessity of tempering dreams and then shaping them to fit into the real world.
  4. Coddling can kill a nascent enterprise. An entrepreneur must go through the tough times to emerge as a strong manager with the fortitude to make those tough decisions. It’s a lesson an entrepreneur must take to heart regardless of whether it’s an expansive time or one of economic retraction.