There’s mystery, surprise and passion in newness. We keep our best face on. We cover up flaws and generally make more effort in things. Plus, there’s an adrenaline rush that comes with not knowing what will happen next.
But as the novelty wears off, we start to feel comfortable. It’s a great feeling of stability, but also a feeling of boredom. This is true of both romance and business. The first day on the job is like a first date, but after a few years a job can become mundane. It can lose its thrill, unless you make a conscious effort to keep the excitement alive.
Like relationships, work requires being proactive. In the beginning it may have been easy to stay excited, but as time goes it’s the choice to succeed that drives motivation.
Keep things interesting at work: Make a point to develop positive relationships with coworkers, supervisors and customers. It also helps to make a continued effort to be grateful, start your day out with a smile, and use energizing techniques like a couple minutes of morning exercise or eating a breakfast that contains protein. Add an apple to your morning routine, it can give you an energy boost.
In addition, also be sure to get enough rest, which can change your overall motivation for the day. Remember, you’ll have to work towards rekindling the love you once had for the job. This might mean remembering what made you “fall in love” with your current position in the first place. It may also mean setting daily goals and checking them off as you accomplish them.
Don’t let your love die. Remember why you took the job. Rethink your thinking, make use of morning motivational techniques, eat a good breakfast, and create great work relationships. Get re-excited about your job and continue to make a conscience effort to stay engaged! A positive attitude will pay off – in more ways than one!